The Spring 2025

Kentucky Honors Roundtable

will be held at 

the University of Louisville,

January 31 - February 1, 2025

Follow KHR on social media for updates!


The Kentucky Honors Roundtable (KHR) is an association of honors programs and colleges from across the Commonwealth. KHR hosts conferences that provide honors scholars with opportunities to present scholarly and creative work and build community and professional networks. KHR also serves as a venue for Kentucky's honors directors, deans, administrators and faculty to share ideas about best practices. 

We gather twice yearly. Interested participants should visit us here or on our social media for updates on the next opportunity to submit short proposals describing papers, posters, or creative projects. Students should talk with their Honors director about upcoming presentation opportunities. Our process asks students  to submit proposals to their Honors program director for pre-approval. Students, your honors staff will register you for the conference. Please view additional instructions for authors here. We are finalizing details for our Spring conference and are not taking submissions at this time. Directors and deans will submit approved abstracts using the online form when it becomes available.  (Submit abstracts here or at the link at the top of the page.)

Spring 2025 KHR Location

University of Louisville 

University Honors Program

Strickler Hall, Rm. 126

University of Louisville

Louisville, Kentucky 40292



Siobhan Smith-Jones, Executive Director

Parking Pass (TBA)

UL Belknap Campus Map

KHR is hosted by a different member institution each fall and spring term. 

The next KHR will be held in person at the University of Louisville. The Honors Scholar Program at Spalding University is partnering to co-host with the University Honors Program of the University of Louisville.

Host Institutions

The University of Louisville (UofL) is a public research university in Louisville, Kentucky. It is part of the Kentucky state university system. Chartered in 1798 as the Jefferson Seminary, it became in the 19th century one of the first city-funded public colleges in the United States. The university is mandated by the Kentucky General Assembly to be a "Preeminent Metropolitan Research University." Created in 1982, the University Honors Program at the University of Louisville serves approximately 1,500 students from all academic units across the university. KHR will take place on the Belknap campus.

Spalding University in downtown Louisville, Kentucky is a private, liberal arts college with a commitment to compassion & a deep connection to community. Spalding University is a diverse community of learners dedicated to meeting the needs of the times in the tradition of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth through quality undergraduate and graduate liberal and professional studies, grounded in spiritual values, with emphasis on service and the promotion of peace and justice. 

 Conference Hotel

A KHR block of 30 rooms at the Hampton Inn (Louisville Airport/Expo Center) is being held for the group at the rate of $119. You can make reservations directly at this link.

If you encounter any difficulties, please contact the hotel directly: 502-366-8100. If you discover there are insufficient rooms for your needs, please let me know and we can check to see about increasing the number of rooms in the block.

 Typical Roundtable Schedule 

Friday evening

5:30 Registration 
6 pm - 7:15 Dinner 
7:15 – 8:30: Trivia 


9 am - 3:30 pm ConferenceBelknap Academic Building
Lunch at the Ville Grille mid-day

KHR Member Institutions

Contact KHR President Dr. Tara Tuttle ( if your honors program or college would like to join the Kentucky Honors Roundtable.

 The Spring 2025 Kentucky Honors Roundtable will be held at the University of Louisville from January 31 - February 1! 

Conference information will be posted following the fall gathering.
